Construction on the old farm house has begun. Kenny came up to put in the "indoor plumbing" this last week. He installed all the rough plumbing, including the drain pipe to the septic system and supply hot and cold lines. He did a really good job, although, working by himself under the house probably ate his lunch with a 30 mph wind chewing on him.
I didn't take pictures of the trench, but I rented a DitchWitch 1030 trencher on Veterans Day. Kenny and I dug a 60 foot trench for the new 1" supply line to the house. I think we found every rock there was. The small rocks were no problem, but there were old foundation limestone pads and sections of the old septic system. One rock was so large, we had to alter our straight line path to the water source.
Saturday, Kenny finished setting the toilet and bathtub in the small bath. Yeah, this isn't part of the roughing, but we were concerned about enough room for the lavatory, toilet and tub, so we laid it all out (well, Kenny did). He did a great job setting it all in too! After he turned on the water to the house, we checked for leaks and also, flushed the toilet! Yea!! We had a couple of small leaks that required tightening, but every thing looks like it is working great! This really gets me excited to get started on completing this project.
Next up is to close in the front porch I built a couple of years ago. (OK, I didn't procrastinate on this, there was this thing called Ike and few other issues that took over my life.) I digress, Saturday I went into the barn to locate the old bead board I saved from this house so I could recycle it. I was surprised how much I had, so it will save me quite a bit of $$$. I may not have enough to do the entire 500 sq. ft., but it should come close!